The „cracks“ in the German economy described in May seem to widen in some areas, but to heal in others. Hence, a crash is at least not imminent from the early warning indicators, June rather presents a mixed picture: „The German economy in June 2018 – mixed picture“ weiterlesen
Schlagwort: DAX
The German economy in May 2018 – first cracks
So, after the „plateau“ in April, it seems that the German economy experiences the first real signs of a possible downswing: „The German economy in May 2018 – first cracks“ weiterlesen
Morning Briefing – 15. Mai 2018 – Aktienmarkt // Monte die Paschi // Deutsche Bank
Guten Morgen,
Nun ist es soweit – der Nahe Osten brennt. Hoffen wir, dass das Pulverfass im europäischen Hinterhof nicht explodiert. Die negativen wirtschaftlichen Folgen wären noch das kleinste Problem. „Morning Briefing – 15. Mai 2018 – Aktienmarkt // Monte die Paschi // Deutsche Bank“ weiterlesen
The German economy in March 2018 – Weakness ahead?
Also in comparison with February, March 2018 does not seem to be the month of recovery but rather a mixed bag if not the first signal of another bumby road ahead: „The German economy in March 2018 – Weakness ahead?“ weiterlesen
The German economy in February 2018 – a dent only?
Well, well, at least, we will soon have a new government. That is the good news for the month. The economy, though, did not do so well in the last month, especially in comparison with January 2018: „The German economy in February 2018 – a dent only?“ weiterlesen
The German Economy in January 2018 – no breathtaking…
Due to my annual skiing-holidays, I am a little late with my January monthly and thus had to watch in awe the stock exchanges crashing all over the world. Currently, the search is ongoing for the reasons of this crash. I will dwell deeper into this in the next month. Before, let’s look back into January – where the GroKo was still under construction and the German economy seemed to happily hum along: „The German Economy in January 2018 – no breathtaking…“ weiterlesen
Morning Briefing – 20. November 2017 – DAX-Ausblick // Kapitalismus // Vermögensverteilung
Guten Morgen,
Das war es dann mit Jamaika, in der Nacht hat die FDP die Reißleine gezogen. Angesichts des (scheinbar an die Presse durchgestochenen) Diskussionspapiers zum der Stand der Verhandlungen am Freitag / Samstag aber eigentlich nicht so verwunderlich. „Morning Briefing – 20. November 2017 – DAX-Ausblick // Kapitalismus // Vermögensverteilung“ weiterlesen
The German Economy in October 2017 – on the rise
It is getting quite boring to announce record after record in the German economy: From DAX to employment and from industrial output to ifo – record-highs everywhere. We Germans are not accustomed to such a lengthy period of record-growht. There are, however, not many pessimists left now who are willing to predict any sort of crisis. And I am currently at least not one of them. First, let’s look into the German economy with the help of several key indicators: „The German Economy in October 2017 – on the rise“ weiterlesen
Morning Briefing 13. Oktober 2017 // DAX 13.000 // JP Morgan // Feuerwerk statt Blackout
Guten Morgen,
Heute ist Freitag der 13., also ein Tag, an dem abergläubische Menschen etwas unruhiger werden. Das mittlerweile gesamtdeutsche Ampelmännchen wird 56 Jahre alt und – gestern hat es schon mal nicht gecrasht! „Morning Briefing 13. Oktober 2017 // DAX 13.000 // JP Morgan // Feuerwerk statt Blackout“ weiterlesen
The German economy in July 2017 – Peak German Economy?
Although we will see in the following that not all but most indicators point to another record month of July (thereby topping June), there are at least some minor signs of trouble ahead – which still can be resolved easily, though. Hence, let’s take a deeper dive into the data: „The German economy in July 2017 – Peak German Economy?“ weiterlesen