Nachdem die letzten Monate von einem stetigen Rückgang der Auto-Verkaufszahlen in den USA geprägt waren (s. zuletzt meine Kommentierung hier), hat sich im September eine Wende zumindest angedeutet: „Carmageddon – over?“ weiterlesen
Kategorie: Index
The German Economy in August 2017 – mixed signals
Like the weather, which at least in Germany sent some mixed messages about „summer“, the German economy currently sends mixed signals as to its status: „The German Economy in August 2017 – mixed signals“ weiterlesen
The German Economy in May 2017 – running really hot!
And indeed – at least in Germany – the train of economic growth kept rolling throughout May unabated (as hoped for at the end of March) – now reaching levels never seen before in ALL of the areas: „The German Economy in May 2017 – running really hot!“ weiterlesen
German economy in January 2017 – Healthy start with mixed signals
According to preliminary figures, German GDP increased by 1.9% in the whole of 2016 and by around 0.5% in the last quarter. Main driver of growth were exports and state consumption which increased from 2.7 to 4.2% in one year. And this rise in state consumption is mainly attributed to the costs for the refugees which are assessed to be around Euro 22bn in the last year. This figure puts the budget-surplus of around 6bn into perspective… „German economy in January 2017 – Healthy start with mixed signals“ weiterlesen
The German economy in December 2016 – mixed end to a disturbing year
After a rollercoaster rarely seen in recent history, the year ends relatively patchy for the German economy: „The German economy in December 2016 – mixed end to a disturbing year“ weiterlesen
The German economy in October 2016 – rebound?
While in September the clouds hanging over the German economy rather indicated the end of the world („On the edge„) current October figures seem to indicate a moderate to strong rebound: „The German economy in October 2016 – rebound?“ weiterlesen
German economy August 2016: Seasonal slowdown or new trend?
August remained a relatively quiet month – especially in comparison to June and July. The developments of the previous months (and the season) only took a small toll on the current German economy. However, the outlook has deteriorated. „German economy August 2016: Seasonal slowdown or new trend?“ weiterlesen
German economy July 2016: The saga continues, but not so glossy after all
Amid Brexit, the Turkish Coup and now also terrorist attacks on its soil, the German economy overall remains strong in July 2016: „German economy July 2016: The saga continues, but not so glossy after all“ weiterlesen
Das Kind hat einen Namen: Crack-up Boom
Heute übersandte mir einer meiner Geschäftspartner den Link zu einem Artikel, der mir dann doch leicht den Start in den Tag verdarb. Beim Lesen der Überschrift dachte ich zunächst, besagter Geschäftspartner wäre mangels Restrukturierungsmandate im Drogenhandel gelandet.
Uhrenverkäufe als Konjunkturindikator?
Ich versuche mich ja seit einiger Zeit an der Deutung aller möglichen Wirtschaftsindikatoren als Barometer für die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. Ein Schwerpunkt dabei sind die Frachtraten-Indizes, wie etwa der schon mehrfach besprochene Baltic Dry Index. Nach neuesten Meldungen könnte man aber auch über einen weitern Indikator nachdenken: den der Uhrenverkäufe. „Uhrenverkäufe als Konjunkturindikator?“ weiterlesen