The German economy in December 2020 – the year ends better than anticipated

After November showed that the German economy would get through the crisis in a „W“-shape at best (cf. here), it will be interesting to look into the December figures in order to assess the path ahead. But, let’s look into the German economy in some more detail:

„The German economy in December 2020 – the year ends better than anticipated“ weiterlesen

The German economy in November 2020 – Merry W-shape recovery to all!

Before the Lockdown 2.0, the German German economy – after bottoming out in May (cf. here) – rebounded in June (cf. here), July (cf. here) and August (here) – and somewhat climaxed in September 2020 (here) –
– as proven with the October figures (here) . The hard lockdown seems to have taken a toll at the German economy already in November 2020. But, let’s look into the German economy in some more detail:

„The German economy in November 2020 – Merry W-shape recovery to all!“ weiterlesen

The German economy in October 2020 – Lockdown 2.0

Before the Lockdown 2.0, the German German economy – after bottoming out in May (cf. here) – rebounded in June (cf. here), July (cf. here) and August (here) – and somewhat climaxed in September 2020 (here). The question, hence, is whether in anticipation of the new Lockdown in Germany (which finally came into force only on 2 November 2020 but was heavily discussed since mid-October) already put a break on the rising economy in October. So, let’s look into the German economy in some more detail:

„The German economy in October 2020 – Lockdown 2.0“ weiterlesen

The German economy in September 2020 – climax?

Again, unfortunately, close to the eleventh hour of October I am able to review the fate of the German economy in September. And, again, the German German economy – after bottoming out in May (cf. here) – started its rebound in June (cf. here), the rebound gaining momentum in July (cf. here), and August (here), and continued its upward trend in September 2020. But, hey, let’s look into the German economy in some more detail:

„The German economy in September 2020 – climax?“ weiterlesen

The German economy in August 2020 – licking its wounds

Literally at the eleventh hour of September I got to finish my review of the German economy in August – rather for purposes of chronology than actual information. Still it is a worthwhile look to behold, the German German economy – after bottoming out in May (cf. here) – started its rebound in June (cf. here), the rebound gaining momentum in July (cf. here), August figures overall seem to indicate a further strengthening of this trend. But, hey, let’s look into the German economy in some more detail:

„The German economy in August 2020 – licking its wounds“ weiterlesen

Morning Briefing 2. September 2020 – USA-Special

Guten Tag (ich war heute Morgen verhindert…), 

Herr „ich fall dann mal die Treppe runter“ Altmaier lehnt sich gleich mal wieder weit aus dem Fenster, wenn er behauptet, dass der Abschwung in Deutschland nicht mehr als 5,8% betragen werde, also nur wenig mehr als bei der letzten großen Finanzkrise (hier). Er geht dabei nicht nur von einer V-förmigen Erholung aus, sondern kann auch in dieser völlig unübersichtlichen Reaktion schon wieder Nach-Komma-Stellen berechnen.

„Morning Briefing 2. September 2020 – USA-Special“ weiterlesen

The German economy in July 2020 – the sky is the limit! Sure?

After the German economy bottomed out in May (cf. here) and started its rebound in June (cf. here), most parameters indicate that the German economy is recuperating rather swiftly. But, hey, let’s look into the German economy in some more detail:

„The German economy in July 2020 – the sky is the limit! Sure?“ weiterlesen

The German economy in June 2020 – rebound?

While in May it seemd that the corona-related crash of the German economy had already bottomed out (cf. here), the data for June 2020 even shows the first signs of a possible rebound. But, hey, let’s look into the German economy in some more detail:

„The German economy in June 2020 – rebound?“ weiterlesen

Morning Briefing – 16. Juli 2020 – China-Spezial

Guten Morgen,

Nachdem China nunmehr Hongkong defacto „eingemeindet“ hat (hier) scheint es nur eine Frage der Zeit zu sein, bis sich das Land der Mitte ernsthaft Taiwan „zuwendet“ (hier). Aber auch im Nahen und Mittleren Osten mischt die Volksrepublik mit, wie der Libanon (hier) und Iran (hier) zeigen. China legt – auch unter dem Druck der US-Politik (hier und hier) seine Maske ab (hier).

„Morning Briefing – 16. Juli 2020 – China-Spezial“ weiterlesen

The German economy in May 2020 – bottomed out yet?

Throughout the last month, the bad news kept indeed (cf. here) constantly flowing in like waves on a beach. Given the easing of the lockdown and the first tentative steps to reopen the economy at the end of May the question is whether the German economy already bottomed out. To get a grip on that, let’s look into the German economy in some more detail:

„The German economy in May 2020 – bottomed out yet?“ weiterlesen