The German economy in August 2020 – licking its wounds

Literally at the eleventh hour of September I got to finish my review of the German economy in August – rather for purposes of chronology than actual information. Still it is a worthwhile look to behold, the German German economy – after bottoming out in May (cf. here) – started its rebound in June (cf. here), the rebound gaining momentum in July (cf. here), August figures overall seem to indicate a further strengthening of this trend. But, hey, let’s look into the German economy in some more detail:

„The German economy in August 2020 – licking its wounds“ weiterlesen

Morning Briefing 22. September 2020 – Alles wird gut

Guten Morgen,

Seit dem 29. Juli 2019 habe ich ja den Vorsatz, nicht nur als Cassandra durch die Gegend zu irrlichtern, sondern auch zu versuchen, konstruktive Wege aus dem  Schlamassel aufzuzeigen (hier). Und tatsächlich bewegt sich was in Deutschland, was ich konstruktiver Weise mal aufzeigen kann:

„Morning Briefing 22. September 2020 – Alles wird gut“ weiterlesen

The German economy in July 2020 – the sky is the limit! Sure?

After the German economy bottomed out in May (cf. here) and started its rebound in June (cf. here), most parameters indicate that the German economy is recuperating rather swiftly. But, hey, let’s look into the German economy in some more detail:

„The German economy in July 2020 – the sky is the limit! Sure?“ weiterlesen

The German economy in June 2020 – rebound?

While in May it seemd that the corona-related crash of the German economy had already bottomed out (cf. here), the data for June 2020 even shows the first signs of a possible rebound. But, hey, let’s look into the German economy in some more detail:

„The German economy in June 2020 – rebound?“ weiterlesen

Morning Briefing 25. Juni 2020 – IWF // OECD // IFO-Geschäftsklimaindex

Guten Morgen,

Die causa Wirecard entwickelt sich zu einer schlechten Ausgabe alter Heldensagen: Der gefallene Held (Braun) muss Aktien verkaufen, um seine Kaution zu stellen (hier), während sein treuer Knecht () erst mal in den Sonnenuntergang – vulgo auf die Philippinen – reitet, um den heiligen Gral (fehlende Euro 1,9 Mrd.) wieder zu finden, um den erzürnten König (in der multipolaren Form des Herr Finanzminister Scholz (hier), des Präsidenten des BaFin Hufeld (hier) und Frau Staatsanwältin Hildegard Bäumler-Hösl (hier)) zu besänftigen. Derweil fragen sich einige Knappen der Ritterrunde, wieso der Rest überhaupt an den Gral geglaubt hat, es sei doch eh alles Blendwerk gewesen (hier). Ich bin mir sicher, demnächst können wir in dieser causa auch „Des Kaisers neue Kleider“ nachspielen – mit den selben schlechten Schauspielern….

„Morning Briefing 25. Juni 2020 – IWF // OECD // IFO-Geschäftsklimaindex“ weiterlesen

The German economy in May 2020 – bottomed out yet?

Throughout the last month, the bad news kept indeed (cf. here) constantly flowing in like waves on a beach. Given the easing of the lockdown and the first tentative steps to reopen the economy at the end of May the question is whether the German economy already bottomed out. To get a grip on that, let’s look into the German economy in some more detail:

„The German economy in May 2020 – bottomed out yet?“ weiterlesen

The German economy in April 2020 – and the waves roll in…

As foreseen last, month, the Corona-Pandemic has inded cut into the German economy like a hot knife through an ice-cake – and it does not look good. But hey, let’s look into the German economy in some more detail:

„The German economy in April 2020 – and the waves roll in…“ weiterlesen

The German economy in March 2020 – in anticipation….

The Corona-Pandemic is cutting through the global economy like a hot knife through an ice-cake – and the German economy is awaiting its „cut“ from the overall cake, so to say (or to stick last months parlour (here): awaiting its piece of sh*** coming back from the fan). But hey, let’s look into the German economy in some more detail:

„The German economy in March 2020 – in anticipation….“ weiterlesen

The German economy in February 2020 – when TSHTF!

So, although with a view to the ongoing meltdown in the global economy it might seem a little odd to look at last months figures, this makes sense – if only to ascertain the status before TSHTF. Since, even before the virus really hit, the German economy remained in a rather fragile state, as the January monthly showed (here). But, hey, let’s look into the German economy in some more detail:

„The German economy in February 2020 – when TSHTF!“ weiterlesen

The German economy in January 2020 – before the virus hits

While the last „Monthlies“ pointed to a plateauing of the German economy (cf. here and here), the beginning of January marked the point where everybody began to take the threats emanating from the Corona-virus seriously. However, since the economic impact was only starting to gain traction, it is quite interesting to see how the German economy evolved prior to this crucial chain of events. But, hey, let’s look into the German economy in some more detail:

„The German economy in January 2020 – before the virus hits“ weiterlesen