Until 8 November the month began rather „ordinary“ and did not continue the rebound from September. Obviously, everybody was waiting for the outcome of the US Presidential elections. And then the unthinkable (at least from the viewpoint of the MSM) happened – Trump was voted President. And then, again, the unthinkable happened: stocks did not only NOT crash but – especially in the US – started a rally rarely seen. „The German economy in November 2016 – Trump ante ports“ weiterlesen
Schlagwort: Arbeitsmarkt
German economy August 2016: Seasonal slowdown or new trend?
August remained a relatively quiet month – especially in comparison to June and July. The developments of the previous months (and the season) only took a small toll on the current German economy. However, the outlook has deteriorated. „German economy August 2016: Seasonal slowdown or new trend?“ weiterlesen
German economy July 2016: The saga continues, but not so glossy after all
Amid Brexit, the Turkish Coup and now also terrorist attacks on its soil, the German economy overall remains strong in July 2016: „German economy July 2016: The saga continues, but not so glossy after all“ weiterlesen
Not too surprising: German IFO index stagnates
Today, the IFO-institute stated that
„The Ifo Business Climate Index for German industry and trade dropped to 106.6 points in April from 106.7 points in March. Although companies were somewhat less satisfied with their current situation, their business expectations brightened once again.“
This is not too surprising (for Germans, but probably for everyone else), since the German economy seems to be a little decoupled from the rest of the world economy for some time now: With an unemployment rate of 6.5% in March 2016, Germany shows a robust job-market, even if experts do not see a further decline for the rest of the year due to the refugees now flowing into the job market. Also, the German economy shows a robust if small growth (at least compared to other countries), with now a projected growth rate of about or above 1.5% for 2016. „Not too surprising: German IFO index stagnates“ weiterlesen
Jobmarkt weiterhin schwach
Nach dem Branchenfachdienst AnzeigenDaten wurden im Januar mehr als 202.600 Stellen in den wichtigsten deutschen Print- und Online-Medien inseriert. Dies entspricht einem Rückgang um 16 % zum Vergleichsmonat des Vorjahres. Im Vergleich Dezember 2012 zu Dezember 2011 (-27 %) lag das Minus jedoch noch deutlich höher.