Morning Briefing – 27. November 2017 – Selbsttragende Zombies? // Export // Lufthansa


Guten Morgen,

So, eine Woche nach dem Scheitern von Jamaika scheint sich zumindest bei einigen Medien die Diskussionskultur wieder etwas gefangen zu haben.    „Morning Briefing – 27. November 2017 – Selbsttragende Zombies? // Export // Lufthansa“ weiterlesen

The German economy in July 2017 – Peak German Economy?


Although we will see in the following that not all but most indicators point to another record month of July (thereby topping June), there are at least some minor signs of trouble ahead – which still can be resolved easily, though. Hence, let’s take a deeper dive into the data:  „The German economy in July 2017 – Peak German Economy?“ weiterlesen