The German economy in September 2016 – on the edge

By: netwalkerz_net
By: netwalkerz_net

The question raised at the end of August („seasonal slowdown or new trend?„) might indeed be answered in the very near future – at least, if Deutsche Bank‘ shares contiue to plunge. But I am getting ahead of myself… „The German economy in September 2016 – on the edge“ weiterlesen

German economy August 2016: Seasonal slowdown or new trend?


August remained a relatively quiet month – especially in comparison to June and July. The developments of the previous months (and the season) only took a small toll on the current German economy. However, the outlook has deteriorated. „German economy August 2016: Seasonal slowdown or new trend?“ weiterlesen

German economy July 2016: The saga continues, but not so glossy after all


Amid Brexit, the Turkish Coup and now also terrorist attacks on its soil, the German economy overall remains strong in July 2016: „German economy July 2016: The saga continues, but not so glossy after all“ weiterlesen