The German economy in March 2024 -„subdued“ is the term u r looking for

While starting to write this monthly, I realised that one of the first sentences of my last one ended in nirvana („… it seems that the roller-coaster …“, here) Well, unintend pun that was. But, hey let’s take a more closer look at how the German roller-coaster, aka „economy“ fared in March:

„The German economy in March 2024 -„subdued“ is the term u r looking for“ weiterlesen

The German economy in February 2024 – roller-coaster…

After a non-happy ending to 2023 (here) and a not-promissing to 2024 (here), it seems that the roller-coaster. But, hey let’s take a more closer look at the German economy:

„The German economy in February 2024 – roller-coaster…“ weiterlesen

The German economy in January 2024 – slowly, but steady…

As bad as 2023 ended (here), 2024 begins and the stream of bad news seems to continue unabated, as the following „monthly“ shows:

„The German economy in January 2024 – slowly, but steady…“ weiterlesen

The German economy in December 2023 – end of the illusion

As the newly published German GDP-figures (see below) drastically prove, the year 2023 did indeed not not provide for a happy-end for the German economy (as predicted in November, here). As painful as it is, let’s take a closer look at some of the German „performance indicators“:

„The German economy in December 2023 – end of the illusion“ weiterlesen

The German economy in November 2023 – towards a not so happy end

The „b(e)acon of hope“ in July (here) proved to be rather a cognitive dissonance in August (here) which led to a slippery slope in September (here) and in October, hope was definitely fading for the German economy (here). So, let’s take a closer look at the how the year nears its closing in November:

„The German economy in November 2023 – towards a not so happy end“ weiterlesen

The German economy in October 2023 – fundamentals do not support hope

The „b(e)acon of hope“ we were experiencing in July (here) proved to be rather cognitive dissonance in August (here), but seemingly, the pundits did not realise that sentiment (indices) might prove to be a slippery slope in September (here). But, hey, let’s take a closer look at the how German economy slipp****, mh, fared in October:

„The German economy in October 2023 – fundamentals do not support hope“ weiterlesen

The German economy in September 2023 – slippery sentiment

Already in May the German economy was going south with astonishing speeed  (here), however, larger parts of the public only realised that in June (here) but were still seeing a „b(e)acon of hope“ in July (here) and did not really lose their cognitive dissonance in August (here). So, let’s take a closer look at the how German economy fared in September:

„The German economy in September 2023 – slippery sentiment“ weiterlesen

The German economy in August 2023 – still in Lala Land or is cognitive dissonance easing?

After being too optimistic in March (here), realising that we have seen the best (for 2023) already (here) in April and that the German economy seems to go south with astonishing speeed in May (here), larger parts of the public finally realised in June that the economy is indeed stalling (here), but in July still seeing a „b(e)acon of hope“ (here) . So, let’s take a closer look at the German economy whether this hope is still warranted in August:

„The German economy in August 2023 – still in Lala Land or is cognitive dissonance easing?“ weiterlesen

The German economy in July 2023 – b(e)acon of hope?

After being too optimistic in March (here), realising that we have seen the best (for 2023) already (here) in April and that the German economy seems to go south with astonishing speeed in May (here), larger parts of the public finally realised in June that the economy is indeed stalling (here). And it does not seem to get better in July, But, let’s take a closer look at the German economy:

„The German economy in July 2023 – b(e)acon of hope?“ weiterlesen

Morning Briefing – 3. Mai 2019 – Regulierung // Sozialismus // Industriepolitik

„The problem with socialism is
that you eventually run out
of other people’s money.“

Margret Thatcher

Guten Morgen, 

Wer über die gestern publik gewordenen Ideen von Kevin Kühnert zur „Sozialisierung von BMW“ lästert, bzw. ihn scheinheilig fragt, was er denn geraucht habe (hier), der sollte sich vielleicht mal vergegenwärtigen, in was für einer Zeit wir leben: Nämlich in einer Zeit, in der Rentner in zwei Jahren eine Rentenerhöhung von über 6% erhalten, wobei alleine die letzte Erhöhung mit Mehrkosten von Euro 11 Mrd. zu Buche schlägt (hier und hier), während Herr Altmaier nicht in der Lage ist, für Investitionen in den Zukunftssektor „Künstliche Intelligenz“ mehr als Euro 500 Mio.  (bis 2025!) vom Finanzminister zu erbetteln (hier). Und in einer Zeit, in der jungen Menschen bescheinigt wird, dass sie es nicht mehr in die Mittelschicht schaffen (hier) und in der die Zentralbanken seit Jahren Negativzinsen angeblich dazu nutzen, die Wirtschaft in Gang zu bringen, während sie aber vor unser aller Augen einer „Japanifizierung“ der globalen Wirtschaft Vorschub leistet (hier).

„Morning Briefing – 3. Mai 2019 – Regulierung // Sozialismus // Industriepolitik“ weiterlesen